Sunday, June 15, 2008


Happy father's day! I had this great idea planned to have Jace do this questionaire about his dad and then I was going to post it on our blog. But it didn't work out so well. Jace was so not interested. So I just wanted to say Bryce I love you! You so great. I am so proud of our little family! We have been through a lot this last year and I am so greatful that we have come out of things so much stronger! Thanks for all you do. You ARE such a great dad and husband!! I LOVE YOU!! Brooke


Emily said...

Hey Brooke!
It's your cousin Emily. I got to your blog through Matt and Mindi's. I just had to tell you that you have the cutest boys! I hope my little Bronson turns out as cute as yours. Send out a little flyer with prices for the car washing and detailing. That is something I need done! Let us all know when you can. Hope you are well.
Love Ya!!